Trans Tasman Resources Case 2017
In 2016, Trans Tasman Resources Ltd (TTR) applied to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) to mine 50 million tonnes of the seabed a year (for 35 years) off a 66 sq km area in the South Taranaki Bight. The EPA hearings began on 16 February 2017, and decision was released 3 August.
EPA grants a marine licence to Trans Tasman Resources, 3 August 2017.
KASM press release on the decision: KASM stunned by seabed mining green light, will appeal decision.
KASM’s Notice of Appeal filed with the High Court (and Press Release)
Link to the actual decision from the EPA.
KASM documents relating to the case.
KASM and Greenpeace closing submission, 25 May 2017
KASM and Greenpeace opening submission to the EPA hearing, 16 February 2017
KASM and Greenpeace memo to the EPA about their submissions analysis, 28 February 2017
KASM and Greenpeace memo to the EPA about calling more evidence (Memo 41), April 2017
KASM expert evidence submitted to the EPA .
November 2016 KASM challenges redacted documents in the Environment Court .
The EPA agreed to TTR’s application to redact hundreds of pages of its application, so KASM (with Ngati Ruanui and Talley’s Fisheries) challenged this in the Environment Court – and won.