Protect our ocean
save our seabed
Kiwis Against Seabed Mining (KASM) works to protect Aotearoa's oceans from seabed mining. Mining companies want to dig up our seabed, using machines to extract minerals from the ocean floor - destroying marine life and habitats in the process.
We're fighting to prevent seabed mining from ever starting in our waters. Help us protect our moana by taking action today.
About KASM
KASM is a community of everyday New Zealanders standing up to protect our oceans from seabed mining. From surfers to scientists, fishers to families - we're united by our connection to the moana and our determination to protect it for future generations.
Together, we're working to protect our ocean from seabed mining companies.
We're volunteers from diverse backgrounds, united by one clear purpose: keeping seabed mining out of Aotearoa's waters. Will you join us?